Welcome to the ITA-STQB website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use.

ITA-STQB is the acronym for ITAlian Software Testing Qualifications Board.

This website (the “Website”) is owned and operated by

Associazione ITA-STQB, 
via Brozzoni 9
20125 Brescia

The term "ITA-STQB" or "we" refers to the ITA-STQB Association. The term “you” refers to the user or viewer of this website.

The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:

  • The content of the pages of this website is subject to change without notice.
  • Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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    L'uso non autorizzato di questo sito Web può comportare una richiesta di risarcimento danni e / o essere un reato.
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  • You may not create a link to this website from another website or document without the prior written consent of ITA-STQB.
  • The use of this website and any dispute arising from such use is subject to Italian law.


This website and its contents are copyright - © ITA-STQB. All rights, including those for reprinting and duplicating documents or parts, must therefore be reserved to the ITA-STQB Association.

Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to reproduce, duplicate, distribute or publish extracts from the documents or exam questions without the written consent of the ITA-STQB Association.

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All images and video clips referenced above are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights of their licensors and authors.

All other materials on this site, documents, graphics, videos, audio are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights of the ITA-STQB Association.

It is not possible, except with the express written authorization of the ITA-STQB Association, to distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it to or store it in any other website or other electronic retrieval system.

If you believe that any material contained on this Website may infringe your copyright, you must provide us with written notice of the following: (a) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (b) identification of the allegedly infringing material; (c) information sufficient to permit us to locate the infringing material; (d) a statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material is not authorized or permitted by law; and (e) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and a statement that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner, agent or licensee. Anyone who misrepresents that material is infringing this notification will be held liable for any damages and costs caused to us.

The Customer acknowledges for himself and for the participants that the Services and the material relating to them are the property of ITA-STQB and that he can only take possession of them if they come from ITA-STQB or from other companies authorized in writing by ITA-STQB itself. In the Services organized by ITA-STQB with material from other companies, such documentation is the property of the latter and is in any case subject to the aforementioned constraints. The Customer undertakes not to produce/portray copies of such material, not to disseminate its contents to third parties, not to transfer it to third parties and not to carry out or have others carry out activities based on said documentation.


The trademarks appearing on this website, including, without limitation, ITA-STQB and the ITA-STQB logo and their emblems and slogans are the property of Associazione ITA-STQB.

All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of, or licensed to, the operator, are acknowledged on the website and are the property of their respective owners.


The certification services and specialist events that are offered to software engineering professionals and are presented in these pages, are provided by ITA-STQB.

N.B. The training services presented in these pages are NOT provided by ITA-STQB, but by trainers accredited by ITA-STQB.


Acceptance of registration is subject to payment of the participation fee, which must be received within 5 working days prior to the start date of service provision. The accepted payment methods are:



The customer billing data must be indicated in the registration form.


ITA-STQB with the collaboration of the PayPal online service, allows you to make your online purchases with the most popular credit cards.
It is underlined that at no time during the credit card purchase procedure is ITA-STQB able to know information about the credit card used. This information is transmitted directly to the website of the banking institution that manages the transaction through an encrypted and protected connection.
ITA-STQB only receives the authorization provided by the card operator. This procedure is absolutely safe and completely guarantees the buyer. The SSL encryption system guarantees that no one can in any way read the information sent over the Internet


In case of payment by bank transfer, the order is not processed until ITA-STQB receives evidence of the execution of the transfer. Payment must however be received within five working days of the start of the service purchased.

The data to make the transfer are as follows:

Associazione ITA-STQB
IBAN: IT 05 L 03069 33761 1000 0000 9285

In the reason for the transfer, you must always indicate the name of the person / company interested, the date and nature of the service purchased. 

The fees owed by the Customer, including taxes and duties, will be invoiced by ITA-STQB upon completion of each Service. Payments must be made in advance of the start of each Service. In exceptional cases, subject to explicit authorization given by ITA-STQB, payments may be made within 30 days of the invoice date. If payment is not made within 30 days from the date of issue of the invoice, ITA-STQB may charge default interest without the need for formal notice and without prejudice to the right to compensation for further damages resulting from the delay. Default interest is calculated on the basis of the ABI Prime Rate in force on the date of issue of the invoice, increased by three points, based on the number of days of actual delay starting from the date of issue of the invoice itself. In the event of non-payment or partial payment, in addition to default interest, all costs connected to the consequent judicial and extrajudicial credit recovery actions by ITA-STQB will also be charged.


The registration fee is per person, excluding VAT, and includes:

  • as regards certification exams, everything described in the exam rules downloadable at this link.
  • as regards the other free and paid services that can be purchased on this site, everything that is specified in the service sheet that can be viewed at the time of registration.


If the customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person who purchases for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does not make the purchase by indicating a VAT number in the order form), he has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract to pursuant to related italian law (Legislative Decree 206/2005).

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must send ITA-STQB a communication to this effect within 7 (seven) working days prior to the start date of the service purchased. This communication must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In case of renunciation / cancellation after 7 (seven) working days before the start date of the purchased service, or failure to communicate in writing, ITA-STQB will withhold, as a penalty, 100% of the fee paid for registration


The exams will normally be held on the dates and at the locations specified in the description of the individual exams. ATTENTION! ITA-STQB and the accredited trainers reserve the right to change the location, date or time of the exams and courses indicated on these pages and in the event of a change they will give appropriate communication to the members.

The events will be held in the locations specified from time to time in the description of the individual events. ATTENTION! ITA-STQB reserves the right to change the location, date or time of the events indicated on these pages and in the event of a change it will give appropriate communication to the members.

Any form of compensation in favor of the customer by ITA-STQB is excluded for changes that have occurred with respect to the location, date or time of performance of the services purchased.


ITA-STQB reserves the right to cancel the date of an exam with 5 (five) days' notice. In this case, the registration fee will be fully refunded or transferred, at the customer's request, to other initiatives. Any other form of compensation in favor of the customer by ITA-STQB is expressly excluded.


Participants are required to:
a) use materials and equipment made available by ITA-STQB, or by the host organisations, with the utmost care and diligence;
b) strictly comply with the safety and conduct rules established by ITA-STQB, or by the host organisations;
c) not make video and/or audio recordings or photographs at the locations where the Services are provided, or during the Services themselves;
d) not take copies or steal documents while they remain at the locations where the Services are provided.

In the event that a participant commits the violations referred to above, ITA-STQB has the right to withdraw the copies, recordings, photographs and illicit filming, remove and/or no longer admit the participant responsible for the aforementioned violations to the Services and, if where appropriate, proceed with complaints and/or legal action.


The Customer declares to be aware that, although the content of the Educational Documentation and the Services has been checked as far as possible, no claim can be made against ITA-STQB in the event that the information contained in such Educational Documentation or in the Services were found to be incorrect or obsolete. The Customer therefore exempts ITA-STQB from any liability, including towards third parties, deriving from the use of such information. ITA-STQB reserves the right to make all changes and updates to the contents published in relation to each Service to better follow the constant evolution and continuous updating of the services offered.


ITA-STQB complies with the procedures required by EU Regulation 2016/679, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). We invite you to consult the site's Privacy Policy at this link

The User assumes responsibility for the personal data of third parties published or shared through this website and guarantees that he or she has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability towards third parties.


ITA-STQB may collect anonymous information about visitors to our website, including for aggregate statistics or reporting purposes, as further described in our Cookie Policy.

However, no single individual will be identifiable from the anonymous data we collect for these purposes.


Associazione ITA-STQB